HyperlinksListe Webtech

Nachschlagewerke, Referenzen, Tutorials

  1. Webopaedia (online dictionary and search engine about computer and Internet technology)
  2. "Das Gelbe Lexikon" (Dr. Web)
  3. Web Development: Using DOM (kryogenix.org)
  4. When Bad Design Elements Become the Standard (Jakob Nielsen)
  5. The Top Ten New Mistakes of Web Design (Jakob Nielsen)
  6. Online-Internetkurs (Norbert Böing)
  7. Using JavaScript
  8. The Web Developer's Virtual Library
  9. Website Dietrich Kracht
  10. Hobbes' Internet Timeline
  11. ComputerUser High-Tech Dictionary
  12. homepage-forum.de/
  13. Webdesign aus Berlin

Im Lexitron suchen

www.lexitron.de - das Fachlexikon der IT-Begriffe

Geschichte der Datenfernübertragung

  1. History of the Web (DejaVu.org)


  1. Kampagne gegen Vorratsdatenspeicherung im Internet und in der Telekommunikation
  2. Datenschutz bei der Nutzung von Internet und Intranet (Der Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz)
  3. Stop 1984!
  4. Europäische Kommission: Patentierbarkeit computerimplementierter Erfindungen
  5. Verwendung von Cookies und Web-Bugs - Datenschutzrechtliche Probleme beim Einsatz auf der Schulhomepage?


  1. Browser Emulator (DejaVu.org)
  2. No more exuses from PC web designers who whine they don't have the resources to QA (or at least look at) their products on a MAC

WWW als didaktisches Medium

  1. E-Teaching @ University (deutsch :-)
  2. Lernen und Internet (Projekte)
  3. From Now On - The Educational Technology Journal
  4. From Now On: The New Plagiarism - Seven Antidotes to Prevent Highway Robbery in an Electronic Age
  5. From Now On: Beyond Edutainment and Technotainment
  6. From Now On: An Age of Info-Glut, Info-Garbage and Info-Tactics
  7. From Now On: Scoring Power Points
  8. From Now On: Beyond Information Power
  9. Students in Resonance: Provoking Fresh Thought and Deep Reasoning with Dissonance, Contrast and Juxtaposition. By Jamie McKenzie
  10. Teaching Media Literacy in an Age of Edutainment. By Jamie McKenzie
  11. Web Information Evaluation Criteria
  12. Teacher Helpers: Critical Evaluation Information
  13. Web Information: The Mind Candy Kafe - Replacing Truth with Placebo. By Jamie McKenzie
  14. The New Library in the Wired School
  15. How teachers learn new technologies
  16. Teach-nology
  17. Building Online Research Modules
  18. Making Good Lessons Quickly
  19. Graphic Teaching Organizers
  20. Graphic Organizers
  21. Concept Mapping


  1. cuneAform - an HTML editor that anyone can use
  2. KEdit - Text- und Codekonversion
  3. Online-Generator für Text-Effekte
  4. NoteTab: The ultimate free Notepad replacement and a capable HTML editor (made in Switzerland!)thumb up
  5. Spider Writer is a powerful HTML editing and web development suite and has received many awards based on its excellent quality and usability.
  6. Web development: Using Mozilla in testing and debugging web sites (gemal.dk)


  1. Farbsymbolik
  2. Actoid Mediendesign
  3. Color Schemer Online


  1. Burn All GIFs - A project of the League for Programming Freedom
  2. The PNG Web Site (forget GIFs, use PNGs)
  3. JNG test suite
  4. MNG Test Suite
  5. MNG and JNG images
  6. MNG - Multiple-image Network Graphics, a PNG-like Image Format Supporting Multiple Images, Animation and Transparent JPEG
  7. PNG Tips for Cartoonists (by Drake Emko)
  8. Graphics from TheDeskstop.com
  9. [Grafiken und Fonts]
    For Your Eyes Only - Graphics
  10. [FlamingText]
  11. Best Smileys Page Index

Website Add-ons

  1. Protection of privacy and personal data (OECD)
  2. FreeFind Site Search Enginethumb up
  3. Mathematical JavaScripts
  4. Website Calendars (completely written in JavaScript)
  5. Web Calendars
  6. [Monitored by Linkcounter.com]
  7. [Bravenet]
  8. [Tons of great email signatures!]
  9. [JavaFILE...FREE Java and Javascripts!]

Webhosting, Foren

  2. Kostenlose Domains (nic.de.vu)
  3. Beepworld - kostenloses Webhosting
  4. Making long URLs useable: TinyURL for webmasters and e-mailers
[STRATO partner] [STRATO Partner Programm]


  1. Blind Text Generator (Markov)
  2. Blind Text Generator (Malevole.com)
  3. Lorem ipsum...
  4. Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)


  1. Beyond Edutainment and Technotainment
  2. Toolishness, PowerPointlessness, Micro$oftness, Mentalsoftness, Disneyfication, Edutainment, Infotainment


  1. Für Webmasters: Spam-Bekämpfung durch Generierung von E-Mail-Links mit vordefinierten Inhalten
  2. Internetwerbung-Kaiser: Werbung im Internet